Last Thursday was Halloween! Millie and I dressed up as boxers! We ordered our costumes of Shein months ago, we had been waiting for the 31st of October all year! Obviously we had school through out the day, then afterschool we both went back to my house to get ready we put our outfits on, did our hair, then our makeup. We were meeting up with Siara and Maddy to go trick or treating together. We brought pillow cases to put our candy into, and we left to meet them at their local park. My mum took a few photos of us and left, we started walking around trick or treating, it was around about 4:30pm. We knocked on a few doors until we coincidentally knocked on our Olivia and Kendall’s door! They gave us candy and came trick or treating with us. We were walking around for about an hour until Kendall and Olivia went home. The rest of us walked around a bit longer then went to the kebab shop to get some hits chips because we were STARVING! We went up to Kenzie’s house to say hi to my mum because she was hanging out there whilst I trick or treat. It was about 6:30pm now, Siara and Maddy had to go home, so we walked them home and went back to my mum at 7pm. My mum dropped Millie and I at Millie’s house for a sleepover! We got tons of candy! It was a great night.
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Back in June my best friend Nylah and I made a couple candles in the middle of the night for fun! The next day we went around selling them, and we sold them all! We realised how fun making those candles was so in August we decided we really wanted to make it into a business, so we bought plenty of supplies like wax, moulds, scents, colours etc. We made a few candles over a few weeks and we sold them around our neighbourhoods in a little basket and we made like $20 and we kept making more and after school and weekends until we made so many candles they don’t all fit in the little basket anymore, so we were thinking and thinking about what we could use. And then it came to me! We could use a beach trolley! We both loved that idea and you can fit 4 baskets in the trolley, so one for the packaging bags and lollies, and the rest for candles. We brought a packet of chips and water for us, and we were off! Determined to sell as many candles as we could, knocking on doors, telling the prices, giving the candles, getting the money. We began getting our parents to tell their friends about our small business and one friend bought an order worth $100!! That was when we had enough money to actually start buying our own candle supplies ourself with our own money that we made ourself! So we went shopping and bought tons and tons of supplies. We also had made socials for our business. But then Nylah had gone on vacation so we took a short break from candle making. But once she came back we got straight back to it! We made all together fifty candles to sell last weekend and again used the beach trolley, we got up by our alarm and got started making candles we went past Nylah’s house to grab some candles she had made and put them all in the trolley with some fun lucky dips. We were determined once again to sell as many candles, and we were off! Selling and selling, we didn’t get many in the beginning, but then we started getting plenty of buyers more and more, but then it started raining. But that didn’t stop us we quickly went home grabbed a towel, umbrella, hoodie and we were back! Soaking wet but that’s not going to stop us. We were out for about 3 hours walking around the neighbourhood. It started getting a bit late and Nylah needed to get home so we got picked up and counted our money, all together we sold 26 candles making over $100 dollars in one day!! We are so proud of ourselves, and now we can order Christmas moulds and scents! Here our some pictures of our candles!
After two weeks off school on holidays I’m back, these holidays felt more like 2 days! I did plenty of things these holidays but my favourite was having a sleepover with my best friend Isla. It was a Thursday morning, my nan and I left the house to pick up Isla from her house, she packed enough stuff to last her a week! We drove half an hour into the city to have brunch in this small café called ‘Gemini’ it took AGES to find parking, we had it walk about 10 minutes to get there in weather like Antarctica, it felt like an hour. We got there so excited to try the food, they had an Ipad you order on, Isla and I ordered Tanghulu which is fruit on a stick dipped in hard sugar stuff which tasted amazing! Then we ordered strawberry mousse , it had a hard top layer and mousse in the middle, that was my favourite. For a drink we got Hot Chocolate. Everything had was amazing, once we finish all our food we said thank you and heading home!
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Next year I’m flying to Sydney to see Billie Eilish’s concert!! When I Billie Eilish wasn’t coming to WA on her ‘HMHAS’ tour I was DEVASTATED! Because she’s my all time favourite artist, my parents know how much I love Billie Eilish, and that night my dad surprised me with tickets to the Sydney concert! I was ecstatic, my dad booked the flights and were going for five nights! My aunties are also going too, on the other 4 days that the concerts not happening I’m going to Taronga Zoo, Shopping, swimming at the indoor pools! What I love about concerts is how everyone knows basically all the songs and its just a great night. I’ve been to a previous Billie Eilish concert before and it was by far the best night of my life. But out of every concert I’ve gone to, I’ve been to 3!
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Tonight I’m having a sleepover at my best friends house, Millie!
Straight away afterschool were going to Westfield Shopping Centre to buy our outfits for the school disco on October 26! The theme is neon glow, so were buying white outfits and neon paint to paint the clothes! I will most likely also buy some food and drinks for us.
Once were done shopping Millie and I are going back to her house to get dressed and go to the city for dinner! Were going around 6ish and probably stay there for a few hours! Once we get home we might watch a movie and stay up late.
Tomorrow at mid day were going roller skating and I’m definitely going to fall over but its funny when I fall and it doesn’t hurt. I prefer roller blades then roller skates, because I tried them and I almost fell backwards. I wonder which skates Millie prefers? Its going to be so much fun!
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As apart of our spelling programme, we are given lists of words and our teacher chooses 3-4 words that can be engaging story starters. Our 3 words this week are; Suffer, forgive and fought. Here are my story starters!
The seats crashed, the plane stumbles. I cant let her suffer like this again, I begin to run.
He will never forgive me for the horrible mistakes I made, I’ve tried everything except one thing.
She fought back, but just fighting back cant save her from what she’s gotten her self into anymore.
Those are my 3 story starter! Hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading my blog.
Last Friday was my last primary school faction carnival, there are four factions at my school blue, green, yellow, and red. I am in green, and green is the ONLY faction that has never won the whole time the schools been open. So we were really hoping for a win this year. We started off with loads of activities versing each faction including Leader ball, Hurdles, Pass ball, Flag races and plenty more. All the points each faction wins goes towards the overall score. Once the activities were over we had recess which was kind of boring because I was waiting for it to end to start the 100 metre RACES, until I found out year 6s were first! That made me quite nervous but I got over it and at least I was in B division which means I wasn’t actually first I was second, standing right behind division A before the whistle was blown. The first race felt like a second so then it was my turn I really wanted to come top 3. The whistle blew and I sprinted so fast and I came 2nd by a centimetre, which I am very happy about. After all the races we had lunch then the RELAYS! The relays are my favourite only the top 4 girls from each faction get in. For the past 2 years our team always wins by far, I was second to get the batten I was off luckily our first runner started us off in the lead and we kept in the lead the whole races until we won! At the end of the day we had presentations my best friends won runner up and champion girl which I am very proud of them for. But after that we had the most improved since last year, blue won that, now for the faction winner……….. YELLOW.
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As you may know I am 12 years old and in year 6, and in one my my recent posts I mentioned I play footy, as much as I love playing footy I do have a strong opinion on one thing. And that one thing is age groups. My footy team is year 5 & 6 players and that is for all the girl teams in the particular I play for, I hate how its not just one year group per team! But what makes it so much more irritating is how the boys teams are one year group per team! So not only is it already annoying, but the boys get separate teams! Which I think is totally unfair and also it cant be because they have more players because we have multiple year 5 & 6 girl teams. But on the bright side we only have two year 5 players on our team so some of the teams we play have many year 5 players and we generally win against them! On top of ALL that at I’m in a split class with YEAR 5’s !!!!! I really really don’t like split classes especially this year, the two other year 6 classes are always doing fun stuff together and majority of the time my class isn’t invited, and I’m learning all the I learnt last year except for like two things. But apart from all its okay.
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As apart of our spelling programme, we are given lists of words and our teacher chooses 3-4 words that can be engaging story starters. Our 3 words this week are; Genie, Jungle and Gaol. Here our my story starters!
- ‘Its never gonna work.’ He said. ‘A Genie cant grant that!’
- I try and sleep but all I hear his crashing Gaol cells, I don’t deserve to be here! It wasn’t me!
- The jungle leaves began to shuffle, I started to sprint faster then I ever have before
And those are my story starters! What do you think?
Just about everyone has at least one hobby, it could be athletics or dancing or reading! It could be anything but mine lands on footy. Footy is a big passion of mine and has been for four years. Footy makes me feel good. It is a team sport, so you need to have to abilities to work as a team. I have made many friendship throughout my years of playing. Hobbies are great they give you something to do, after school footy trainings and games are my all time FAVOURITE thing about my week. Every now and again I can get hurt but its okay because all my team mates come check up on each other and we always cheering for each other when they succeed. When I’m on the field everything goes away, I love seeing my friends achieve their goals. My favourite thing about footy is improving every day. The parents on the side lines are always cheering no matter if were winning or losing. Every time we win our game we get to sing our winning song, its fun because everyone always messes up. I’m number 25 so that’s my lucky number. Everyone on my team are friends, its a really great and fun club that I’m honoured to be a part of.
Thank you for reading my blog.